“The Bigger Picture” – Exbition at Studio 44, Stockholm, 22 April – 2 May 2021

Thank you Andréa Hösel for organizing and curating the exhibition, Sveriges konstföreningar for supporting it, and participating artists for a great collaboration.

Artists: Cristina Hedlund, Andréa Hösel, Björn Lundell, Natalie Sutinen, Nina Wedberg Thulin, Helena Öhman

Below some pictures of my art work from the exhibition.

“The bigger picture”, oil on linen canvas 195 x 243 cm, 2021.

Detail “The bigger picture”.

“Blickfångst”, oil on linen canvas 160 x 195 cm, 2021.

Detail “Blickfångst”.

“Ist alles da” drawing 50 x 70 cm mounted in a plywood box 70 x 90 cm, 2021.

Installation view.

Installation view.

Installation view.